Ceanothus Thyrsiflorus

A hearty plant
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A hearty California plant that can grow to more than twenty feet (6 meters) tall in its native habitat.

Ceanothus Thyrsiflorus (Skylark)   •  Common name: Blue Mountain Lilac   •  UCSC Arboretum internal link Santa Cruz, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 18 April 2010)   •  Photo taken 12:42:42 Thursday 11 March 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #124242_2577BCX
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Beige buds
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Here we show the small beige buds that become individual flower heads. Once fertilized the resulting seeds will provide food for bushtits, mockingbirds, quail and finches external link.

Ceanothus Thyrsiflorus (Skylark)   •  Common name: Blue Mountain Lilac   •  UCSC Arboretum internal link Santa Cruz, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 18 April 2010)   •  Photo taken 12:42:46 Thursday 11 March 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #124246_2578BCX
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Leaves were flat with thorns
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The flat leaves were edged in mild thorns.

Ceanothus Thyrsiflorus (Skylark)   •  Common name: Blue Mountain Lilac   •  UCSC Arboretum internal link Santa Cruz, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 18 April 2010)   •  Photo taken 12:42:50 Thursday 11 March 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #124250_2579BCX
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A wild flower
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This plant is a California wild flower found near the cost usually within sight of the ocean. Its usual use when planted is in border hedges.

Ceanothus Thyrsiflorus (Skylark)   •  Common name: Blue Mountain Lilac   •  UCSC Arboretum internal link Santa Cruz, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 18 April 2010)   •  Photo taken 12:42:56 Thursday 11 March 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #124256_2580BCX
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