Wedding Events
Bryan and Terry 1968 Wedding Bryan and Terry 2006 Cape Town, South Africa David and Melinda Wedding Dieter and Lizzy Jesse And Kaitlyn 2011
Bryan and Terry 1968 Wedding, Walnut Creek, California

A civil wedding at City Hall in Walnut Creek, California. Photos of theevent were taken before, during, and after the event.

Bryan and Terry 2006, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Entertained by a bagpipe player, re-wed in the Hitching Post.

Cape Town, South Africa, Wedding

In which young kids dress the same as the adults.

David and Melinda Wedding

From a promise ring in 2009 to a wedding on a boat on San Francisco Bayin 2011.

Dieter and Lizzy, Los Angeles, 2007

In garden of the Scientology Center on Highland Boulevard, Los Angeles.

Jesse And Kaitlyn 2011

Held at the United Methodist Church in Concord, California

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