The Island, Called Ometepe

Most Of The Island Was Dense Jungle
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Other than the roads, beaches, and higher volcano slopes, the island was mostly dense jungle as pictured here.

The Island Called Ometepe external link   •  Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 22 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 09:04:57 Saturday 19 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1782
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The Airport Had Just Begun Construction
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An airport was being constructed that would bisect the isthmus. We were surprised to be told that it would be an international airport. The guide expressed fear that an airport would ruin the island by making it too popular.

The Island Called Ometepe external link   •  Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 22 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 09:06:39 Saturday 19 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1785
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Bicycles A Convenient Way To Travel
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The island was so small that a person (such as this local) could easily get around by bicycle. One of our tour group, Kaela Tompkins of British Columbia, rented a bicycle on the second day and explored on her own.

The Island Called Ometepe external link   •  Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 22 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 11:12:24 Saturday 19 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1894
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A Typical House
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A typical house with a dog out front. Notice how the roof was constructed with a gap to help keep the house cool.

The Island Called Ometepe external link   •  Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 22 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 11:15:10 Saturday 19 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1896
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The Island Seen From The Ferry
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The island as it was seen from the departing ferry. This is one of two volcanos with the second off-screen to the right. Another photo internal link shows a model of the island with both volcanos.

The Island Called Ometepe external link   •  Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 22 February 2012)   •  (Photo taken 09:21:40 Sunday 20 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_2145
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