Parasols, In The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire

Companion To Stilt Walker
(1 of 6) (9714 views)


The companion to the stilt walker emerged from the Staff room just off of Art Alley. She carried a finely perforated parasol.

Parasols In The   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Art Alley internal link San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 15.13" N, 122° 23' 57.90" W   •  (Photo taken 13:02:40 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 12 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2415
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Barbie With Green Parasol
(2 of 6) (5551 views)


A woman with a Barbie necklace carried a green parasol, unaware that in photographs the parasol would turn her face green.

Parasols In The   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Howard Street just north of 2nd Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 12.98" N, 122° 23' 53.12" W   •  (Photo taken 13:57:43 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 12 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2636
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Girl In Pink With White Parasol
(3 of 6) (5567 views)


A girl dressed in pink carried a white parasol and walked next to her friend who was busy texting.

Parasols In The   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  2nd Street near Tehama Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 11.26" N, 122° 23' 52.82" W   •  (Photo taken 14:15:19 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 12 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2725
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Parasol Gave Off A Pale Green Glow
(4 of 6) (5574 views)


A woman walking down the sidewalk toward Zorgs Krewe of Doom, carried a green parasol which imparted onto her face a green glow.

Parasols In The   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Tehama Street near 2nd Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 11.92" N, 122° 23' 50.21" W   •  (Photo taken 14:23:19 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 12 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2792
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Ear And Sun Protection Combined
(5 of 6) (5558 views)


Two women, each with a parasol, chatted near Strange Krewe de pink House. One of the women wore earphones to protect her ears from the loud dance music nearby.

Parasols In The   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Tehama Street near 2nd Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 10.44" N, 122° 23' 52.73" W   •  (Photo taken 14:41:54 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 12 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2854
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A Much Too Orange Parasol
(6 of 6) (5585 views)


One fellow carried a much too orange parasol which made him an orange island floating amid normal colored people.

Parasols In The   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Howard Street just north of 2nd Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 12.83" N, 122° 23' 53.00" W   •  (Photo taken 15:18:37 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 12 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_3006
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