Art Alley, At The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire

Folks Interested In Art Gathered
(1 of 10) (8109 views)


Folks interested in art gathered in "Art Alley" on Minna Street just south of 2nd Street. Some of the art was hung or displayed for sale, but other art was being created as we watched.

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 15.68" N, 122° 23' 57.24" W   •  (Photo taken 13:01:53 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2406
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A Man Spray Painted Art
(2 of 10) (5140 views)


One man was creating art using spray cans of paint. The permanent mural on the wall behind the fence contrasted well with his new art.

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 15.88" N, 122° 23' 57.38" W   •  (Photo taken 13:02:03 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2410
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Photographing Art
(3 of 10) (5003 views)


Many folks in that alley were photographing art with smart phones. Again, the mural on the wall behind the art created a friendly atmosphere for the art to be displayed.

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 15.46" N, 122° 23' 57.55" W   •  (Photo taken 13:02:25 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2412
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Stilt Walker Emerged From Short Door
(4 of 10) (5035 views)


A stilt walking man dressed in checkered pants had just emerged from a much shorter doorway that was guarded with a sign that read, "Fair Staff Only."

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 15.21" N, 122° 23' 57.92" W   •  (Photo taken 13:02:38 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2414
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Table Art Fascinated A Boy
(5 of 10) (5052 views)


A table that was itself art was just too fascinating for a young boy. He pulled himself high enough to just peek over the top of the table.

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.83" N, 122° 23' 58.18" W   •  (Photo taken 13:03:48 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_4221
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(6 of 10) (5124 views)


A bus was covered with, and carried inside, art. The sign outside, on the top back and left topside of the bus read:

A Mobile Art Gallery

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.99" N, 122° 23' 58.63" W   •  (Photo taken 13:04:13 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2422
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A Band Played The Alley
(7 of 10) (5026 views)


A small band with just a drummer, accordion player, and singer (not shown) performed in the alley that early afternoon.

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.99" N, 122° 23' 58.63" W   •  (Photo taken 13:04:50 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2427
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Art And portraits For Sale
(8 of 10) (5060 views)


A woman wearing a leather art jacket gazed at art for sale. To the left were original posters for sale for a mere US $20 each. To the right were portraits and custom drawings also for a suggested donation of US $20.

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.99" N, 122° 23' 58.63" W   •  (Photo taken 13:05:06 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2428
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Artist Tools And Art Behind
(9 of 10) (5092 views)


An artist had just stepped away from his tools on a small table in front of a display of his art. His art showed women in celebration and birds.

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.99" N, 122° 23' 58.63" W   •  (Photo taken 13:05:19 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2429
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Spit On His Art
(10 of 10) (5035 views)


One artist drank water from a plastic bottle and spit that water at his drawing to help the image run and drip.

Art Alley   •  2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Minna Street (an alley) south of 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.78" N, 122° 23' 58.19" W   •  (Photo taken 13:05:54 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 1 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2433
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