Booths, AT The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire

Coco Loco Organic Jewelry
(1 of 6) (8273 views)


Coco Loco had a desirable corner booth with their counter set back and with three sales people behind the displays.

Coco Loco Organic Jewelry external link   •  Booths At The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Howard Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.59" N, 122° 23' 51.16" W   •  (Photo taken 12:43:03 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 8 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2365
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Lovebian Designs
(2 of 6) (5249 views)


Lovebian Designs offered t-shirts and pillows with clever expressions silk-printed on them. For example:

Which means "absolute love."

Lovebian Designs external link What do you Lovebian?   •  Booths At The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  2nd Street near Minna Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.99" N, 122° 23' 56.44" W   •  (Photo taken 13:01:01 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 8 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2405
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Aya Papaya
(3 of 6) (5171 views)


The Aya Papaya booth was open with tables along two edges. This booth sold mostly jewelry and women's accessories.

Aya Papaya external link   •  Booths At The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  2nd Street by Natoma Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.23" N, 122° 23' 55.36" W   •  (Photo taken 13:01:18 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 8 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2404
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In Visions by Crystal Tara
(4 of 6) (5200 views)


Crystal Tara sold amazing patterns on clothing for sale.

In Visions by Crystal Tara external link Wearable Art, Tangible Magic   •  Booths At The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  2nd Street near Natoma Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 13.76" N, 122° 23' 54.98" W   •  (Photo taken 13:21:50 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 8 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2513
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Happy High Herbs Shop
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The Happy High Herbs Shop booth had a counter set inside with a single sales person working there.

Happy High Herbs Shop external link   •  Booths At The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  2nd Street near Natoma Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 13.82" N, 122° 23' 55.87" W   •  (Photo taken 13:34:51 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 8 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2567
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Justa, Fair Trade • Sustainable
(6 of 6) (5261 views)


The Justa booth sold sustainable, fair trade styles from Guatemala.

Justa, Fair Trade • Sustainable, Styles From Guatemala   •  Booths At The 2013 (14th Annual) How Weird Street Faire map   •  Theme Was "Weirdi Gras :: Carnival Of Peace"   •  Howard Street just north of 2nd Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 14.00" N, 122° 23' 52.32" W   •  (Photo taken 13:45:30 Sunday 28 April 2013)   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 8 May 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_2610
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