I, Letter As Found Art

Shadow and stone
(1 of 2) (11338 views)


A fence post cast a long shadow in the parking lot. Not long enough to reach a stone resting there, but lined up perfectly with that stone to form a lowercase letter I.

Letter I As Found Art   •  Simpson Road, Otis Orchards, Washington   •  (Photo posted Friday 21 May 2010)   •  (Photo taken in 2006)   •  © 2010 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #20060000_01
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Bricks in concrete blocks
(2 of 2) (6169 views)


Concrete blocks missing from the back wall of a warehouse south of Market Street were replaced with bricks. The outline of the filled hole formed a capital letter I. The graffiti decorating the wall was a bonus.

Letter I As Found Art   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 21 May 2010)   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #20070000_1
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