Ellen Picken Geometric Artist
The integration of art, architecture, and environment is key to my public work. I use geometry to describe the patterns of our behavior and natural phenomena. A line can take on multiple characteristics, from motion and sound to volume and depth. Repetition and continuity can imply rhythm, balance, progress, or stasis. These visual cues can affect a person's perception of space and their place in it. [from the artist's website]
Wall Street Mural 2014
Wall Street Mural 2014, Artists: Erin Mielcarek & Ellen Picken, Wall Street, Spokane, Washington

Mielcarek and Picken were one of four teams selected by the Spokane Arts Fund to paint murals on the walls of four selected underpasses in the downtown area. Their conceptual mural, a brightly colored collection of lines, is meant to represent the trains that pass overhead. [from inlander website]

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