Roof Above, Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción

Mounds Covered The Cathedral's Roof
(1 of 13) (10267 views)


A spiral staircase led up to the roof. Once there, one was immediately struck by the drab look of a roof with mounds that underneath are called domes.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:44:18 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1337
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A Bell Strapped To A Wooden Beam
(2 of 13) (6201 views)


There was no belfry. Instead, bells were hung inside arches at the front of the cathedral roof. Small ones were held with up with rope. Large ones, as here, were held up with steel straps.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:44:37 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1339
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Statue Of A Man Holding Up A Huge Bell
(3 of 13) (6284 views)


In two of the larger arches, statues of men stood on either side. One arch lacked a bell. The other one, shown here, included a huge, heavy bell. The visual effect was that the statues were holding up the support holding the bell.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:46:15 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1346
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Domes For Soft Indirect Light
(4 of 13) (6287 views)


A line of domes with open-windowed structures atop each. The design seen from underneath internal link is one of clean elegance. But when seen from above, the effect is much less desirable.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:46:49 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1347
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Graffiti Graced The Roof
(5 of 13) (6230 views)


The walls of the roof showed signs of graffiti on the odd wall here and there.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:47:45 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1351
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Storm Clouds, Statue With Huge Halo, and Antenna
(6 of 13) (6237 views)


Storm clouds threatened the western sky that day. As the clouds masked the sun, this statue with a huge halo was set into silhouette, and appeared to be facing a modern antenna.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:51:19 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1362
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The Mounds/Domes Of The Main Central Roof
(7 of 13) (6232 views)


The center of the cathedral roof had two huge mounds with no opening on top, and one small one with indirect light windows. Beyond it was a huge dome, also with indirect light windows atop it.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:51:27 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1363
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Close Up Of Indirect Light Windows
(8 of 13) (6248 views)


A closeup shot of the indirect light windows atop a dome. The windows lacked glass but were set back and thick enough to exclude rain.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:53:27 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1368
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Color Amid All That Black And White
(9 of 13) (6251 views)


The roof appeared as if totally painted in black and white. Only in a few spots, such as here, were there any touches of color.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:53:39 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1369
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Amid Powerful Stone, An Anemic Electricity
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The roof was built of massive stone. But the electricity was wired in a feeble and weak manner.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:53:54 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1370
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Colorful Roofs Lay Beyond This Church Roof
(11 of 13) (6256 views)


Beyond the austere black and white look of the cathedral roof were the other roofs of León, Nicaragua. Much more colorful and celebratory than this roof.

Note the two birds perched in the foreground.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:54:35 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1373
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A Fence Surrounded The Roof For Safety
(12 of 13) (6258 views)


A stone fence surrounded the roof to provide safety. Viewed from below, the fence softened the edge of the roof.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:54:46 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1375
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The Bishop's Palace Behind The Cathedral
(13 of 13) (6257 views)


Behind, yet a part of, the cathedral was a palatial residence for the bishop. To the left, on the lawn, was a fountain. To the right, also on the lawn, was a massive cracked bronze bell on a stone stand.

Roof Over Bacílica Catedral de La Asunción   •  León, Nicaragua   •  (Photo posted Sunday 15 January 2012)   •  (Photo taken 15:55:48 Thursday 17 November 2011)   •  © 2012 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_1376
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