Merchandise, In The 2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire

Jumbie Art
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The Jumbie Art external link booth sold "Spectral RGB Art" fashions. Spectral art is described on their website as:

What is Spectral RGB Art?
Spectral RGB Art is art that uses colors from the light spectrum; aka the rainbow.

What's so special about that?
When spectral rgb art is viewed under a color changing RGB light, it comes to life as an animated 3D holographic experience.
See for yourself? external link

Merchandise In The   •  2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "A celebration of the possibilities that open up when you enter a portal of new discoveries and into a carnival of fun."   •  Howard Street near 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 12:31:37 Sunday 26 April 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 17 November 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_0774
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Warrior Within Designs
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Warrior Within Designs external link described on their website as: "creations born from its wings are an extension of a continued healing and spiritual journey. These creations begin as lucid dreams and carefully manifest themselves into physical form."

Merchandise In The   •  2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "A celebration of the possibilities that open up when you enter a portal of new discoveries and into a carnival of fun."   •  Howard Street near 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 12:31:37 Sunday 26 April 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 17 November 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_0775
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KAYO Anime Clothing
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KAYO Anime Clothing external link described on their website as: "Everyone probably has experienced such desire of becoming somebody else or a different version of themselves. Every girl at one-point dreams of becoming as powerful and cool or gorgeous and smart like those heroines in her favorite cartoon shows."

Merchandise In The   •  2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "A celebration of the possibilities that open up when you enter a portal of new discoveries and into a carnival of fun."   •  Howard Street near 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 12:31:37 Sunday 26 April 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 17 November 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_0786
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Fabric Hung And For Sale
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Fabric was hung at the back of a booth with featured similar fabric for sale in the form of clothing and table coverings. The semi-translucent fabric revealed a woman carrying a hula hoop walking past and well as folks inside the booth shopping.

Merchandise In The   •  2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "A celebration of the possibilities that open up when you enter a portal of new discoveries and into a carnival of fun."   •  Howard Street near 2nd Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 12:31:37 Sunday 26 April 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 17 November 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_0809
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