Food And Drink, In The 2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire

We The Minis
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A mini-cupcake stand, operated by We The Minis external link, sold French Macarons, Cupcakes, and Mini Cupcakes. One of the workers selling cupcakes wore a powdered wig perhaps because the company name sounds like, "We the people."

Food And Drink In The   •  2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "A celebration of the possibilities that open up when you enter a portal of new discoveries and into a carnival of fun."   •  2nd Street between Minna and Natoma Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 12:32:30 Sunday 26 April 2015)   •  (Date Published: Friday 13 November 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_0781
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Beer And Wine
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Beer and wine were sold at various locations throughout the festival. Here a man, wearing a flashy shirt and matching hat, was just buying a glass of wine.

Food And Drink In The   •  2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "A celebration of the possibilities that open up when you enter a portal of new discoveries and into a carnival of fun."   •  2nd Street between Minna and Natoma Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 12:33:22 Sunday 26 April 2015)   •  (Date Published: Friday 13 November 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_0783
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North India Restaurant
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North India Restaurant had serving bowls set up outside the restaurant on a folding table with a white tablecloth. They served Indian food to passersby.

North India Restaurant   •  Serving Dinner and Lunch Buffet   •  Food And Drink In The   •  2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "A celebration of the possibilities that open up when you enter a portal of new discoveries and into a carnival of fun."   •  2nd Street between Minna and Natoma Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 12:42:19 Sunday 26 April 2015)   •  (Date Published: Friday 13 November 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_0814
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Kava Lounge
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The Kava Lounge external link, a nightclub in San Francisco, offered Kava Root drinks. Their sign read:

Kava Root
$5 single 4oz
$8 double 8oz
*Damiana or *Yerba Mat $5.00
Shamanic chair healing

Food And Drink In The   •  2015 (16th Annual) How Weird Street Faire external link   •  Theme this year: "A celebration of the possibilities that open up when you enter a portal of new discoveries and into a carnival of fun."   •  2nd Street between Minna and Natoma Street   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 13:20:25 Sunday 26 April 2015)   •  (Date Published: Friday 13 November 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_0898
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