San Francisco Coffee Company, As An Advertising Mural, 70 13th Street, San Francisco, California

Mural On Door
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A mural on the roll-up door of a warehouse said that this building housed the "San Francisco Coffee Company." On the walls to either side of the door were images of coffee cups emitting coffee colored wisps of aroma. These murals were at the intersection of Isis Alley and 13th Street.

San Francisco Coffee Company external link   •  Advertising Murals external link   •  70 13th Street external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300s Camera, f/2.8 35-70 Nikon Lens external link   •  (Date Photographed: 08:53:20 Sunday 5 May 2019)   •  (Date Published: Sunday 3 May 2020)   •  © 2020 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_2727
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