Transbay Center Of San Francisco
The new replacment for the old Transbay Terminal is called the Transbay Center.
Salesforce Transbay Transit Center October 18, 2018 Repair October 12, 2015 Construction March 8, 2015 Construction February 11, 2017 Construction 2013 Big Dig
Salesforce Transbay Transit Center, San Francisco, California

Behind the curvature of a pearlescent lace-like awning, this multi-story San Francisco landmark transforms a commuter hub into an urban destination. With interiors open to the light, it's a sociable, open space for people to gather, topped by a leafy park where the sky is the roof.[from the website]

2013 Big Dig, For The Transbay Center

The new replacment for the old Transbay Terminal is called the Transbay Center.Because rail stations will arrive in the basement, a huge hole must be dug.

October 18, 2018 Repair, Salesforce Transbay Transit Center, San Francisco, California

The Salesforce Transbay Transit Center had been open and running for a month, when a crackwas discovered in one of its main I-Beam supports. The Transbay Center was closed downand buses rerouted to the old Temporary Transbay Terminal.

February 11, 2017 Construction, San Francisco Transbay Transit Center

The new replacement for the old Transbay Terminal is called the Transbay Center.Its outer aluminum skin was being applied.

October 12, 2015 Construction, San Francisco Transbay Transit Center

The new replacement for the old Transbay Terminal is called the Transbay Center.Its frame his neared completion.

March 8, 2015 Construction, San Francisco Transbay Transit Center

The new replacement for the old Transbay Terminal is called the Transbay Center.These are the first signs of the new form.

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