The Canoe, As Human Powered Transport

A canoe along the shore of the Niobrara River
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A canoe along the shore of the Niobrara River

(1991) Niobrara River, Nebraska, U.S.A.   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Canoe1991_01
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A canoe on a Wyoming lake in the Tetons
(2 of 6) (6500 views)


A canoe on a Wyoming lake in the Tetons

(1997) Western Wyoming, U.S.A.   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Canoe1997_01
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A rowing pair on a stately canoe row towards a gull
(3 of 6) (6537 views)


A rowing pair on a stately canoe row towards a gull

(2008) Lake Merritt, Oakland, California   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #CanoeLakeMerrittOak2008_0674T
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A pleasant day to row a canoe across a lake
(4 of 6) (6485 views)


A pleasant day to row a canoe across a lake

(2008) Lake Merritt, Oakland, California   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #CanoeLakeMerrittOak2008_0677T
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Rowing a canoe into the sunset among ducks
(5 of 6) (6584 views)


Rowing a canoe into the sunset among ducks

(2008) Lake Merritt, Oakland, California   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #CanoeLakeMerrittOak2008_0679T
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Yellow backdrop to a canoe conversation
(6 of 6) (6504 views)


Yellow backdrop to a canoe conversation

(2008) Lake Merritt, Oakland, California   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #CanoeLakeMerrittOak2008_0706T
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