Berkeley Pilings

Under His Lordships
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Pilings were marine pilings until exposed at low tide, then they became pier supports for a surface building, in this case His Lordships Restaurant.

Marine Pilings and other nautical foundations   •  Berkeley, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 8 June 2008)   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #20070000_04
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Minus Tide Revealed Long Pilings
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A minus tide that day gave the best surface view of the piling supporting one of the piers in the Berkeley Marina.

Marine Pilings and other nautical foundations   •  Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 8 June 2008)   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #20070000_05
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Murky Water
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A low tide exposed pilings under one of the piers at the Berkeley Marina.

Marine Pilings and other nautical foundations   •  Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, California   •  (Photo posted Sunday 8 June 2008)   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #20070000_06
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