San Diego Coronado, Bay Bridge

The Coronado End
(1 of 12) (9498 views)


The end of the bridge as it descends into Coronado Island.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:23:34 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1124
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The Coronado End Rising
(2 of 12) (6211 views)


The bridge as it rose out of Coronado upward toward its full height of 200 feet (60 meters).

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:25:49 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1129
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The San Diego End
(3 of 12) (6268 views)


The San Diego end of the bridge rise over a shoreline covered with marinas.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:26:12 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1132
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Join The Highest Point
(4 of 12) (6329 views)


The support for the roadway changed its look as it transitioned to the highest span.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:27:06 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1134
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One Of The Footings
(5 of 12) (6202 views)


One of the many footings in the bay with its warning sign to stay off and stay away.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:26:53 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1138
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Curve Into Coronado
(6 of 12) (6234 views)


The Coronado end of the bridge curved as it entered into the island.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:28:18 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1143
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Two Legs
(7 of 12) (6247 views)


When viewed from directly underneath, the supports could be seen to be composed of two legs each.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:28:27 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1145
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Support Top
(8 of 12) (6228 views)


The top of one of the supports when viewed from almost directly underneath.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:28:31 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1147
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The Roadway From Its Side
(9 of 12) (6267 views)


The roadway when seen from the outside and from slightly below. Notice the street lights.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:28:51 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1151
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San Diego End With Dan Diego Behind
(10 of 12) (6166 views)


The San Diego end of the bridge with its downtown area behind and with navy ships lined up beside it.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:30:30 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1156
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Full Bridge Seen From The South
(11 of 12) (6299 views)


Here is the full bridge as seen in the distance when viewed directly from the south.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:39:57 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1176
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Drop Into San Diego
(12 of 12) (6342 views)


The end of the bridge as it descends into (or rises out of) the San Diego side of the bay.

San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge external link   •  Opened to traffic in 1969   •  California State Route 75   •  Between San Diego and Coronado, California   •  (Photo posted Monday 26 September 2011)   •  (Photo taken 16:52:52 Saturday 16 October 2010)   •  © 2011 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCY_1186
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