Book Stacks, As A Category Of Reading Thing

In A Window
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Dozens of books were stacked in the window of a used book store in Eugene, Oregon. The books looked a bit dusty as if they had been stacked there for a long time.

Books In Stacks external link   •  As A Category Of Reading Thing external link   •  Eugene, Oregon external link   •  (Date Photographed: 13:06:55 Tuesday 29 January 2019)   •  (Date Published: Thursday 14 February 2019)   •  © 2019 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_0167
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Book Carin
(2 of 2) (4624 views)


A carin created from stacked books, where the widest and thickest one was at the bottom and they became smaller as they rose higher. Although this carin did not mark a trail, it did indicate the location of a vast store of information.

Books In Stacks external link   •  As A Category Of Reading Thing external link   •  Eugene, Oregon external link   •  (Date Photographed: 13:07:36 Tuesday 29 January 2019)   •  (Date Published: Thursday 14 February 2019)   •  © 2019 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C19_0168
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