Pirate Ship, In Pixie Woods A Children's Theme Park

Stern Of The Ship
(1 of 7) (9717 views)


The stern of the Pirate Ship themed area in Pixie Woods. Notice the rat climbing a docking line and the "Treasure Map."

Pirate Ship external link In Pixie Woods external link   •  A Children's Theme Park   •  Occidental Avenue and Shimizu Drive   •  Louis Park external link Stockton, California 95203   •  (Photo taken 12:52:38 Sunday 19 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 30 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_8393
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The Dorotha
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The very stern of the ship with the captain watching out the rear port-light of the ship Dorotha.

Pirate Ship external link In Pixie Woods external link   •  A Children's Theme Park   •  Occidental Avenue and Shimizu Drive   •  Louis Park external link Stockton, California 95203   •  (Photo taken 12:52:57 Sunday 19 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 30 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_8394
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Walkway Into Ship
(3 of 7) (5688 views)


A walkway connected the land to the innards of the ship. The child sized door required adults to stoop.

Pirate Ship external link In Pixie Woods external link   •  A Children's Theme Park   •  Occidental Avenue and Shimizu Drive   •  Louis Park external link Stockton, California 95203   •  (Photo taken 12:53:13 Sunday 19 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 30 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_8395
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Murals Inside
(4 of 7) (5726 views)


Murals of "Gun Powder", a rat eating a carrot, and an interior porthole behind which was a scene.

Pirate Ship external link In Pixie Woods external link   •  A Children's Theme Park   •  Occidental Avenue and Shimizu Drive   •  Louis Park external link Stockton, California 95203   •  (Photo taken 12:53:35 Sunday 19 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 30 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_8397
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Wooden Cutouts Guarded The Ship
(5 of 7) (5714 views)


Wooden cutouts of a pirate man and a pirate woman guarding the ship while it was at dock.

Pirate Ship external link In Pixie Woods external link   •  A Children's Theme Park   •  Occidental Avenue and Shimizu Drive   •  Louis Park external link Stockton, California 95203   •  (Photo taken 12:53:50 Sunday 19 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 30 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_8399
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Video Pirate Ship Interior
(6 of 7) (5818 views)

A video of one of the mechanical scenes inside the pirate ship. Here, two pirate crewmen arm wrestled.

Pirate Ship external link In Pixie Woods external link   •  A Children's Theme Park   •  Occidental Avenue and Shimizu Drive   •  Louis Park external link Stockton, California 95203   •  (Photo taken 12:56:00 Sunday 19 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 30 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_8411
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Seaward Side Of Ship
(7 of 7) (5806 views)


The port side of the ship as seen from the other side of the lagoon. Notice the octopus, one cutout pirate and one solid pirate statue.

Pirate Ship external link In Pixie Woods external link   •  A Children's Theme Park   •  Occidental Avenue and Shimizu Drive   •  Louis Park external link Stockton, California 95203   •  37° 57' 29.32" N, 121° 20' 43.49" W   •  (Photo taken 13:06:33 Sunday 19 October 2014)   •  (Photo posted Sunday 30 November 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_8440
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