The Maze, Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms

Map Of The Maze
(1 of 11) (10870 views)


A map of the corn maze was posted near the entrance to the store. This map was a good five minute walk from the entrance to the maze. So, unless you photographed it with your phone, you would have no map while inside the maze.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:19:16 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4639
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Entrance To The Maze
(2 of 11) (6930 views)


The entrance to the maze was through the tent to the right of the gigantic pumpkin.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:39:25 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4664
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A Fabric Fence
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A fabric fence separated the maze walkers from the corn. The path itself was covered in a thick layer of loose hay.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:47:46 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4683
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Wide Paths Through The Maze
(4 of 11) (6939 views)


The path through the maze was wide enough for folks to walk side by side.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:47:50 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4684
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Four Paths Intersected
(5 of 11) (6914 views)


A wide space in the path occurred where four different paths came together. Two at this end and two more at the far end.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:51:14 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4689
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A Tunnel
(6 of 11) (6904 views)


A tunnel had been constructed over the path in one area. It was made of fencing wire bent in an arch and covered with black plastic.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:52:47 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4691
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Christmas Trees
(7 of 11) (6948 views)


A small grove of Christmas Trees was found part way through the maze. The trees were unexpected and handsome.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:58:08 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4693
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Discarded Clues
(8 of 11) (6964 views)


Each person taking the maze was allowed to carry one of several different clue sheets. The categories of clues ranged from movies to astronomy. The numbers on the clue sheet corresponded to numbers found along the path and at which one of two directions must have been chosen.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 15:02:46 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4697
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A Choice Number
(9 of 11) (6892 views)


One of the numbers that corresponded to clues on the clue sheet. The answer to question 6 would give a result of either "right" or "left."

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 15:20:16 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4710
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An Old School Bus
(10 of 11) (6918 views)


An old school bus was parked as part of the corn maze. It was closed during the day, but open at night and filled with spooky creatures.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 15:30:33 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4723
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Rolling Tunnel
(11 of 11) (6940 views)


This tunnel had motors and roller wheels on both sides so that (at night only) it would rotate around the path.

The Maze   •  Of The Corn Maze At Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  44° 9' 31.06" N, 123° 9' 14.73" W   •  (Date Photographed: 15:47:30 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 27 October 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4753
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