The Wharf, —Stearns Wharf In Santa Barbara A California Coastal City

Sign Described Wharf
(1 of 10) (8666 views)


A sign on a railing near the entry to the Wharf described the highlights to be found there.

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 42.61" N, 119° 41' 19.93" W   •  (Date Photographed: 10:38:15 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0476
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Wide Walk/Drive Way
(2 of 10) (5211 views)


A wide walkway was to the right heading out toward the sea end of the wharf. A wide driveway was to the left.

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 42.61" N, 119° 41' 19.93" W   •  (Date Photographed: 10:39:38 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0480
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Tourists Viewed Marina
(3 of 10) (5224 views)


Tourists walking out the Wharf paused to admire and photograph the nearby marina.

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 39.02" N, 119° 41' 14.46" W   •  (Date Photographed: 10:42:04 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0483
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Cruise Ship Off Shore
(4 of 10) (5218 views)


A cruise ship was anchored off shore beyond the Wharf. It was one of the cruise ships of the Princess line.

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 36.19" N, 119° 41' 9.61" W   •  (Date Photographed: 10:42:40 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0485
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Old Wharf Trading Company
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One of the business found on the Wharf was the, "Old Wharf Trading Company." external link

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 36.11" N, 119° 41' 9.49" W   •  (Date Photographed: 10:43:13 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0486
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Seen From West Beach
(6 of 10) (5199 views)


A view of Stearns Wharf as seen from West Beach.

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 40.30" N, 119° 41' 15.34" W   •  (Date Photographed: 11:39:20 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0510
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Whale By Walkway
(7 of 10) (5205 views)


An image of a whale was on the wall of a restaurant next to a walkway, which was in turn next to a parking lot.

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 40.30" N, 119° 41' 15.34" W   •  (Date Photographed: 11:51:56 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0516
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(8 of 10) (5163 views)


A pelican rested on the wharf next to a couple of men (off camera to the right) who were fishing.

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 40.30" N, 119° 41' 15.34" W   •  (Date Photographed: 11:54:04 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0520
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A Deck
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A "Deck Open To Public" was also home to the "Conway Family Wines Deep Sea Tasting Room." internal link

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 40.30" N, 119° 41' 15.34" W   •  (Date Photographed: 12:13:55 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0527
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California Flag History
(10 of 10) (5218 views)


An exhibit of flags showed the history of the flags that have flown over California. The oldest flag was to the left and the current flag was to the right.

The Wharf   •  Stearns Wharf external link   •  In Santa Barbara external link California   •  A Coastal City   •  34° 24' 40.30" N, 119° 41' 15.34" W   •  (Date Photographed: 12:29:59 Wednesday 3 February 2016)   •  (Date Published: Saturday 25 March 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_0539
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