San Diego
Harbor Excursion Neighborhoods Parks Safari Park San Diego Zoo
Harbor Excursion, San Diego Bay

A one hour cruise along Sa Diego's harbors. Mostly a tour of Navy Ships.

Neighborhoods, Of San Diego

The classic parts of a southern California City.

Parks, Of San Diego

Parks of all sizes from huge Balboa Park downward.The humanity of a city is defined by the accessibility of its free open spacesand parks.

Safari Park, San Diego, California

Was Wild Animal Park, San Diego, California.Think of it as a more relaxed form of a zoo spread out overmany hills. The most important thing to bring to this park is a really goodpair of walking shoes.

San Diego Zoo

Located in Balboa Park and open year round.The Zoo was founded on October 2, 1916, and covers100-acre (40-hectare) and is home to rare and endangered animalsrepresenting more than 800 species and subspecies.

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