Centennial Trail, Pleasanton, California, A U.S. City

Entrance to the Pleasanton Centennial Trail
(1 of 8) (8368 views)


Entrance to the Pleasanton Centennial Trail

Pleasanton Centennial Trail   •  (2008) Pleasanton, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #28_1687B
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Local artists display under the bridge
(2 of 8) (5532 views)


Local artists display under the bridge

Pleasanton Centennial Trail   •  (2008) Pleasanton, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #30_1695B
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Teens hang out and smoke pot under the bridge
(3 of 8) (5652 views)


Teens hang out and smoke pot under the bridge

Pleasanton Centennial Trail   •  (2008) Pleasanton, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #31_1699B
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The creek exudes rustic charm
(4 of 8) (5521 views)


The creek exudes rustic charm

Pleasanton Centennial Trail   •  (2008) Pleasanton, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #32_1708B
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Trail is not a loop, so riders must return
(5 of 8) (5730 views)


Trail is not a loop, so riders must return

Pleasanton Centennial Trail   •  (2008) Pleasanton, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #33_1710B
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Active railroad crosses the creek
(6 of 8) (5523 views)


Active railroad crosses the creek

Pleasanton Centennial Trail   •  (2008) Pleasanton, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #34_1715B
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More art on display under the railroad bridge
(7 of 8) (5603 views)


More art on display under the railroad bridge

Pleasanton Centennial Trail   •  (2008) Pleasanton, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #35_1716B
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A morning dove relaxes in the afternoon
(8 of 8) (5570 views)


A morning dove relaxes in the afternoon

Pleasanton Centennial Trail   •  (2008) Pleasanton, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #36_1728B
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