Tours, France

Isabel Touring Tours
(1 of 3) (11140 views)


Isabel Touring Tours

In France, the architecture changes dramatically   •  from region to region...   •  every few hundred kilometers or so.   •  (2007) Tours, France, E.U.   •  © 2007 Dr. William Carter Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #ToursFrance2007_01
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Lunch in Tours
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Lunch in Tours

A typical street scene. We stopped for crepes.   •  (2007) Tours, France, E.U.   •  © 2007 Dr. William Carter Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #ToursFrance2007_02
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Kitty —Some flat cat watched us closely.
(3 of 3) (7504 views)


Kitty —Some flat cat watched us closely.

(2007) Tours, France, E.U.   •  © 2007 Dr. William Carter Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #ToursFrance2007_03
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