Baby Natural Bridge, Windward Coast, Andiouri Beach, Aruba Island

The Windward End Of Aruba
(1 of 7) (7178 views)


The end of the island to the east was the windward end and had rocky beaches instead of the sandy ones. This end of the island held the baby natural bridge.

Baby Natural Bridge, Aruba external link   •  Windward Coast, Andiouri Beach, Aruba Island   •  (Photo taken 08:10:37 Sunday 4 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Friday 23 May 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_1679
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A Rocky Coast
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The windward end of Aruba was its rocky coast. Wave and wind actions created its natural bridge and collapsed it. Now that same wind and wave action has created a baby bridge.

Baby Natural Bridge, Aruba external link   •  Windward Coast, Andiouri Beach, Aruba Island   •  (Photo taken 08:17:29 Sunday 4 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Friday 23 May 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_1696
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The Baby Natural Bridge
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Tourists walk on top of the baby natural bridge despite signs telling them not to.

Baby Natural Bridge, Aruba external link   •  Windward Coast, Andiouri Beach, Aruba Island   •  (Photo taken 08:17:36 Sunday 4 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Friday 23 May 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_1697
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Tourists Pass Danger Zone Sign
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Here two tourists walked past the "Danger Zone" sign and were on their way to pass the polls described as, "Stay behind polls."

Baby Natural Bridge, Aruba external link   •  Windward Coast, Andiouri Beach, Aruba Island   •  (Photo taken 08:18:29 Sunday 4 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Friday 23 May 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_1700
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Balanced Rock Cairn
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The land around the baby natural bridge was littered with many stacked rocks, making a cairn.

Baby Natural Bridge, Aruba external link   •  Windward Coast, Andiouri Beach, Aruba Island   •  (Photo taken 08:19:43 Sunday 4 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Friday 23 May 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_1705
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Tourists Littered The Rocky Shore
(6 of 7) (4304 views)


Tourists were spread out along the rocky windward shore, dropped here and there as if they were litter.

Baby Natural Bridge, Aruba external link   •  Windward Coast, Andiouri Beach, Aruba Island   •  (Photo taken 08:21:23 Sunday 4 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Friday 23 May 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_1709
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Wrecked NC 1103 "Giris"
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A motor boat had been washed up onto shore. It was the NC 1103 "Giris." The NC means the boat was registered in North Carolina.

Baby Natural Bridge, Aruba external link   •  Windward Coast, Andiouri Beach, Aruba Island   •  (Photo taken 08:23:22 Sunday 4 May 2014)   •  (Photo posted Friday 23 May 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_1712
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