Root And Tree Monsters, At Baker Bay Campground, Oregon

Root Monster Approached Sunlight
(1 of 7) (8836 views)


The roots of a long-ago cut down tree appeared to be a root monster making its way slowly down out of the forest and toward the water and sunshine.

Root And Tree Monsters   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 14:07:37 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Tuesday 8 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4086
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Stick Creature About To Drink
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A fallen tree, that had lost all of its up-facing limbs, now looked like a gigantic stick creature walking out into the water to take a drink.

Root And Tree Monsters   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 14:13:29 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Tuesday 8 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4095
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Root Monster Attack
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A tree that had been cut down to create the reservoir, left only its roots behind. Those roots might be a root monster slowly making its way up onto shore, about to attack. Notice the scars and missing roots of earlier battles.

Root And Tree Monsters   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 14:19:55 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Tuesday 8 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4108
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Root Monster Just Emerged
(4 of 7) (5166 views)


A root monster had just emerged from the water and was still dripping underneath. It moved slowly, as did all root monsters of this sub-genus, perhaps due to the petrification of old age.

Root And Tree Monsters   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 14:21:33 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Tuesday 8 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4109
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Dogs Explored Root Monster Carcass
(5 of 7) (5148 views)


Two dogs sniffed around the carcass of a root monster that had been slain in the past. All of its roots had been hacked off, dried and later used as fuel for camp fires. As a side note, the near dog was named Gypsy, and the further dog was named Dexter.

Root And Tree Monsters   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 14:27:59 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Tuesday 8 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4119
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Ancient Root Monster Decaying
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The ancient remains of a root monster. It had died and fallen here and was slowly undergoing decay and rot. The greatest foe for root monster cadavers is the common moss worm.

Root And Tree Monsters   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 14:35:21 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Tuesday 8 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4128
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Boat Under Attack
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A moored boat was under attack from an adult root monster. Fortunately there was nobody aboard, so risk was minimal. As was often the outcome of such attacks, a root monster would lose limbs to steel rigging.

Root And Tree Monsters   •  Baker Bay Campground and Marina   •  35635 Shoreview Drive, Dorena, OR 97434 external link   •  (Photo Taken 17:21:48 Monday 24 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Tuesday 8 September 2105)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4193
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