Maria a dit:
Je l'aimais beaucoup, moi!
Sr. Manel a dit:
Nós andamos aqui emprestados.
Jackie a dit:
I sent Bill the email about the petition on Net Neutrality because I know he would have cared about that. Then I removed his email address from my list.
Uncle Ray a dit:
He could be a rascal, but he taught me a bit about life. He was the kind of person that changed your thinking.
Pedro a dit:
Uma vida é um acontecimento incontornável na História, tão concreto e real que dividir o Tempo antes e depois do Bill é uma verdade para sempre.
Leonor a dit:
Os que nos morrem ensinam-nos a segurar as rédeas da vida mas ensinam-nos também a abrir as mãos.
Rodenstein a dit:
Le rêve sera devenu réalité pour William.
Dan a dit:
I always smiled when I thought of him.
Coutinho a dit:
O visionário
Russ a dit:
I remember Bill as a guy who was always filled with energy and interest in extracting the essences of life from every experience he had.
Eric a dit:
Bill was one of those people that once you met you carry with you. He brought out the best and occasionally, to be fair, the worst in both of us and he was never boring.
Jeannie a dit:
It was pouring rain. I saw a homeless man in a doorway and I pulled over. In honor of Bill I gave him some money.
Bryan a dit:
Dr William Carter was a master photographer, 3D expert,
and gregarious hobknobber. A man with an uncanny ear for music and
sounds. A visionary and a friend.
Bill a dit:
God is a juvenile