Richard James, Actor, As A Named Person

Fake Daguerreotype
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Richard James posed in a civil war uniform to create a fake Daguerreotype to use as a prop in the 16mm film "God's Rain." This is a scan of the original image. The actual prop was printed on reflective surface to more closely resemble an actual Daguerreotype.

Richard external link James internal link   •  Actor external link   •  As A Named Person external link   •  A Daguerreotype external link   •  A Prop external link   •  For The Film "God's Rain" internal link   •  (Date Photographed: in 1974)   •  (Date Scanned: 17:53:53 Tuesday 15 January 2007))   •  (Date Published: Friday 2 October 2020)   •  © 1974 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #1974_1548S
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