October 2018, George Ezra Jansen, As A Named Person

Halloween Mask
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George wore a Halloween fright mask which required he drink carefully through a straw. His outfit was a reminder of the Indian fished from a river in his excellent novel, "The Fade-Away" external link that takes place in early 20th Century California.

October 2018 George Ezra Jansen external link external link   •  As A Named Person external link   •  At Home external link   •  Pleasanton, California external link   •  37° 47' 45.02" N, 122° 19' 18.29" W   •  (Date Photographed: 14:17:28 Tuesday 16 October 2018)   •  (Date Published: Wednesday 26 December 2018)   •  © 2018 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C18_7838
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Bunny George
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George wore a bunny nose with sunglasses, all accented by a snake around his neck. A costume that embodied the contradictions faced by all novel authors, especially George in his first novel, "The Jesse James Scrapbook." external link

October 2018 George Ezra Jansen external link external link   •  As A Named Person external link   •  At Home external link   •  Pleasanton, California external link   •  37° 47' 45.02" N, 122° 19' 18.29" W   •  (Date Photographed: 14:19:42 Tuesday 16 October 2018)   •  (Date Published: Wednesday 26 December 2018)   •  © 2018 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C18_7842
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Wise George
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George posed, the image of wisdom, pointing at the infinite, trapped by a serpent, and holding a digital copy of the Torah on his Kindle. Speaking of Kindles, his new novel, "Haunt" external link has gotten many excellent, fine reviews. Be certain to run out an buy yourself a copy today.

October 2018 George Ezra Jansen external link external link   •  As A Named Person external link   •  At Home external link   •  Pleasanton, California external link   •  37° 47' 45.02" N, 122° 19' 18.29" W   •  (Date Photographed: 14:28:26 Tuesday 16 October 2018)   •  (Date Published: Wednesday 26 December 2018)   •  © 2018 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C18_7859
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