1972 Diane Rhine, As A Named Human Being

With Michael Douglas
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Diane posed with the actor Michael Douglas in front of the house on Ord Street in San Francisco. A film company was creating a new episode for the TV show, "Streets of San Francisco." This is how a selfie was taken in the old days. Someone else would take the photo of Diane with a movie star and then post it on a website decades later.

Diane external link Rhine   •  As A Named Human Being external link   •  With Michael Douglas external link   •  Ord Street external link   •  San Francisco external link California external link   •  Nikon D300 Camera external link Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 Lens   •  (Date Photographed: in 1972)   •  (Date Image Scanned: 13:24:52 Saturday 7 March 2009)   •  (Date Published: Friday 30 April 2021)   •  © 2005 Bryan Costales external link Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCX_0178
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