Fin Prints, As Mythological Body Prints

Fin Prints Embossed In Concrete
(1 of 2) (6082 views)


A set of stairs led down to the water at Harbor Vista County Beach. Here, someone wearing swim fins walked through concrete back when that concrete was fresh and left behind these permanent echos of that day.

Fin Prints As Mythological Body Prints   •  Harbor Vista County Beach external link Florence, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 15:33:30 Friday 15 May 2015)   •  (Photo Posted Thursday 21 May 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_1204
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Permanent Fin Marks
(2 of 2) (3292 views)


One result of walking on wet concrete is that years later your defacement will still be evident. Here, swim fins were worn that day and will remain visible for years afterward.

Fin Prints As Mythological Body Prints   •  Harbor Vista County Beach external link Florence, Oregon   •  (Photo Taken 15:33:38 Friday 15 May 2015)   •  (Photo Posted Thursday 21 May 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_1205
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