Fontaine, Sur Somme Cemetery, France

The graveyard was next to the church
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The graveyard was next to the church

(2006) Fontaine Sur Somme, France   •  © 2006 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #FontaineGraves2006_01
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Some gravestones were barely legible
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Some gravestones were barely legible

(2006) Fontaine Sur Somme, France   •  © 2006 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #FontaineGraves2006_02
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A rusted metal cross bedecked one grave
(3 of 7) (4754 views)


A rusted metal cross bedecked one grave

(2006) Fontaine Sur Somme, France   •  © 2006 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #FontaineGraves2006_03
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New grave site (foreground) was more remembered than
(4 of 7) (4729 views)


New grave site (foreground) was more remembered than

the old one beyond, or the oldest beyond that.   •  (2006) Fontaine Sur Somme, France   •  © 2006 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #FontaineGraves2006_04
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Cross was part of the stone cover on a very old grave
(5 of 7) (4720 views)


Cross was part of the stone cover on a very old grave

(2006) Fontaine Sur Somme, France   •  © 2006 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #FontaineGraves2006_05
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Portraits showed what they looked like in former life
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Portraits showed what they looked like in former life

(2006) Fontaine Sur Somme, France   •  © 2006 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #FontaineGraves2006_06
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Lone rose decorated an old grave
(7 of 7) (4788 views)


Lone rose decorated an old grave

(2006) Fontaine Sur Somme, France   •  © 2006 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #FontaineGraves2006_07
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