Growing, Corn (Maize) As A Vegetable Food

Dense Walls
(1 of 2) (8680 views)


The wall of a corn (maize) maze was dense with growing corn plants. The object of that density was to prevent maze travelers from seeing through the walls.

Growing Corn external link As A Vegetable Food   •  Corn Maze   •  Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:47:35 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Thursday 31 December 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4682
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Revealed Kernels
(2 of 2) (5585 views)


Someone had peeled the husk open on a corn (maize) head and revealed its kernels. The type of corn plants grown to create the walls of the corn maze were not meant to produce human food.

Growing Corn external link As A Vegetable Food   •  Corn Maze   •  Lone Pine Farms external link   •  91909 River Road, Junction City, OR 97448   •  (Date Photographed: 14:51:48 Thursday 8 October 2015)   •  (Date Published: Thursday 31 December 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4690
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