Tea, As A Beverage

Last Of Tea Bag At Bottom Of Cup
(1 of 3) (7054 views)


A glass cup of tea, having been almost fully consumed, was left with a tea bag at its bottom.

Tea As A Beverage   •  In a restaurant, San Francisco, California   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 9 January 2013)   •  (Photo taken 15:55:20 Saturday 10 October 2009)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #BCX_9955
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Tea Pot At The Ready On A Stove-top
(2 of 3) (4206 views)


A tea pot stood at the ready atop a stove in a modest suburban home in Hayward, California.

Tea As A Beverage   •  Hayward, California   •  (Photo posted Saturday 9 February 2008)   •  (Photo taken 12:05:06 Saturday 2 February 2008)   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #DSC_9823B
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Cannabis Ice Tea From Switzerland
(3 of 3) (4622 views)


A container of Swiss Cannabis Ice Tea that was purchased at a gas station in Brussels, Belgium. The words at the bottom read: "Fantastic Natural Feeling."

Tea As A Beverage   •  Brussels, Belgium   •  (Photo posted Thursday 4 October 2007)   •  (Photo taken in 2007)   •  © 2007 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Belgium_01
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