Brasarte & Ginga Brasil, In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade

Banner And Flag
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This combined contingent was lead by a small bent banner and by a woman carrying a flag.

Brasarte external link & Ginga Brasil   •  In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade external link   •  This year's theme: Viva La Madre Tierra   •  24th Street near South Van Ness   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 11:08:56 Sunday 29 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 9 August 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_2679
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Traditional Costumes
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Men and women, boys and girls were dressed in traditional Brazilian costumes.

Brasarte external link & Ginga Brasil   •  In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade external link   •  This year's theme: Viva La Madre Tierra   •  24th Street near South Van Ness   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 11:09:02 Sunday 29 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 9 August 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_2682
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Woman Led Dance
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A woman, dressed in a gingham-patterned outfit, led girls in dance.

Brasarte external link & Ginga Brasil   •  In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade external link   •  This year's theme: Viva La Madre Tierra   •  24th Street near South Van Ness   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 11:09:08 Sunday 29 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 9 August 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_2684
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Kids Danced
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Kids wearing strangely ribbon-decorated hats danced their way up 24th Street.

Brasarte external link & Ginga Brasil   •  In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade external link   •  This year's theme: Viva La Madre Tierra   •  24th Street near South Van Ness   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 11:09:24 Sunday 29 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 9 August 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_2691
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Women Danced
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Women danced dressed in gold and red trimmed outfits while banging sticks to create a rhythm.

Brasarte external link & Ginga Brasil   •  In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade external link   •  This year's theme: Viva La Madre Tierra   •  24th Street near South Van Ness   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 11:09:26 Sunday 29 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 9 August 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_2693
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Man Danced In Middle
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A man danced in the center of the dancing women and beat sticks together too.

Brasarte external link & Ginga Brasil   •  In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade external link   •  This year's theme: Viva La Madre Tierra   •  24th Street near South Van Ness   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 11:09:28 Sunday 29 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 9 August 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_2695
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Younger Dancers
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Younger dancers beat sticks too as they marched with the Brasarte & Ginga Brasil contingent.

Brasarte external link & Ginga Brasil   •  In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade external link   •  This year's theme: Viva La Madre Tierra   •  24th Street near South Van Ness   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 11:10:08 Sunday 29 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 9 August 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_2721
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Face Paint
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The last set of dancers had their faces decorated with paint.

Brasarte external link & Ginga Brasil   •  In The 2016 38th Annual San Francisco Carnaval Parade external link   •  This year's theme: Viva La Madre Tierra   •  24th Street near South Van Ness   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Date Photographed: 11:10:26 Sunday 29 May 2016)   •  (Date Published: Tuesday 9 August 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C16_2728
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