Kaiser, At The 2013 San Francisco Pride Parade

Kaiser Was Huge
(1 of 8) (12003 views)


The Kaiser Permanente contingent had a huge number of people marching, and one of the largest floats.

Kaiser Permanente external link   •  Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium   •  2013 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade external link   •  The 43rd Annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade   •  Market Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 25.28" N, 122° 24' 5.08" W   •  (Photo taken 12:28:28 Sunday 30 June 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 27 August 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_6542
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Blue Thrive Balloons
(2 of 8) (7098 views)


Every Year internal link internal link internal link Kaiser Permanente featured dozens of huge balloons with the word, "Thrive," on each.

Kaiser Permanente external link   •  Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium   •  2013 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade external link   •  The 43rd Annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade   •  Market Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 25.28" N, 122° 24' 5.08" W   •  (Photo taken 12:28:51 Sunday 30 June 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 27 August 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_6544
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The Kaiser Permanente Float
(3 of 8) (7134 views)


The Kaiser Permanente float featured the contingent's theme, "Empowering Communities to thrive."

Kaiser Permanente external link   •  Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium   •  2013 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade external link   •  The 43rd Annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade   •  Market Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 25.28" N, 122° 24' 5.08" W   •  (Photo taken 12:29:05 Sunday 30 June 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 27 August 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_6549
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Behind The Float More Balloons
(4 of 8) (7101 views)


Behind the Kaiser Permanente float followed many more people with many more huge, "Thrive," balloons.

Kaiser Permanente external link   •  Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium   •  2013 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade external link   •  The 43rd Annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade   •  Market Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 25.28" N, 122° 24' 5.08" W   •  (Photo taken 12:29:10 Sunday 30 June 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 27 August 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_6552
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Those Marching Showed Great Spirit
(5 of 8) (7057 views)


Most of the people marching with the Kaiser Permanente contingent exhibited enthusiastic spirit.

Kaiser Permanente external link   •  Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium   •  2013 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade external link   •  The 43rd Annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade   •  Market Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 25.28" N, 122° 24' 5.08" W   •  (Photo taken 12:29:33 Sunday 30 June 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 27 August 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_6560
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Masks, Kids, And Wigs
(6 of 8) (7093 views)


Some of those marching with the Kaiser Permanente contingent wore masks, while others marched with kids in strollers, and while yet others wore colorful wigs.

Kaiser Permanente external link   •  Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium   •  2013 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade external link   •  The 43rd Annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade   •  Market Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 25.28" N, 122° 24' 5.08" W   •  (Photo taken 12:29:42 Sunday 30 June 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 27 August 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_6565
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KP Pride And Feathers
(7 of 8) (7493 views)


One woman marching with the Kaiser Permanente contingent wore a rainbow wig and a rainbow feather boa. One her shirt were the words, "KP Pride."

Kaiser Permanente external link   •  Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium   •  2013 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade external link   •  The 43rd Annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade   •  Market Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 25.28" N, 122° 24' 5.08" W   •  (Photo taken 12:29:55 Sunday 30 June 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 27 August 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_6571
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A Big Heart
(8 of 8) (7222 views)


Toward the back of the Kaiser Permanente contingent marched a person wearing a huge heart costume.

Kaiser Permanente external link   •  Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium   •  2013 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade external link   •  The 43rd Annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade   •  Market Street, San Francisco, California   •  37° 47' 25.28" N, 122° 24' 5.08" W   •  (Photo taken 12:30:22 Sunday 30 June 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 27 August 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_6579
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