Oregon Country Fair 2024 Activities Veneta, Oregon
Human activity: human behavior, in sociology behavior may refer to all basic human actions, economics may study human economic activities and along with cybernetics and psychology may study their modulation [from wikipedia]
Big Ball Dance Pavilion
Big Ball, Activities, Oregon Country Fair 2024, Veneta, Oregon

In sports, many modern balls are pressurized. Some are pressurized at the factory (e.g. tennis, squash (sport)) and others are pressurized by users (e.g. volleyball, basketball, football). Almost all pressurized balls gradually leak air.[from wikipedia]

Dance Pavilion, Activities, 2024 Oregon Country Fair, Veneta, Oregon

Dance hall in its general meaning is a hall for dancing, but usually refers to a specific type of twentieth-century venue, with dance clubs (nightclubs) becoming more popular towards the end of the century.[from wikipedia]

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