Fog, Seen During The Nature Cruise

A Container Ship Inbound In The Fog
(1 of 10) (7303 views)


A container ship was barely visible as it began to emerge from the fog inbound into San Francisco Bay.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  (Photo taken 16:07:35 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #T13_0729
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A Fishing Boat In The Fog
(2 of 10) (4704 views)


A fishing boat returning to port after a morning of ocean fishing. The bay was shrouded in its usual summer fog.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  (Photo taken 16:12:57 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #T13_0741
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Fort Point Under Golden Gate
(3 of 10) (4682 views)


Fort Point barely visible under an almost invisible Golden Gate Bridge.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  37° 48' 44.53" N, 122° 28' 26.12" W   •  (Photo taken 16:18:17 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_7067
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The Golden Gate Bridge From Below
(4 of 10) (4683 views)


The Golden Gate Bridge as seen from below in the fog with Fort Point just a smudge at its base. (This is what it looks like in sunshine internal link)

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  37° 48' 47.36" N, 122° 28' 37.06" W   •  (Photo taken 16:19:22 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_7072
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Bridge Roadway From Below In Fog
(5 of 10) (4624 views)


The roadway of the Golden Gate Bridge as seen from below in the fog.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  37° 48' 46.41" N, 122° 28' 41.04" W   •  (Photo taken 16:19:46 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_7077
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A Buoy In The Fog
(6 of 10) (4645 views)


A channel marker buoy just outside the Golden Gate Bridge on a foggy afternoon.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  37° 48' 43.99" N, 122° 28' 45.68" W   •  (Photo taken 16:20:17 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_7082
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Sea Birds In The Fog
(7 of 10) (4661 views)


Hundreds of sea birds flew across the water just outside the Golden Gate Bridge.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  37° 48' 38.95" N, 122° 28' 53.68" W   •  (Photo taken 16:21:20 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_7083
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Fog Begins To Burn Off
(8 of 10) (4625 views)


The fog was just beginning to burn off as the boat returned to the bay. Here was the base of the Golden Gate Bridge more visible than on the trip out.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  37° 48' 43.85" N, 122° 28' 44.15" W   •  (Photo taken 16:31:36 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_7107
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Alcatraz Hidden In A Fog Bank
(9 of 10) (4671 views)


The island of Alcatraz was barely hidden in a fog bank as the fog began to burn off the bay.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  37° 49' 36.11" N, 122° 26' 2.83" W   •  (Photo taken 16:44:07 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_7133
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Angel Island Peeked Over Fog
(10 of 10) (4670 views)


Angel Island barely cleared the fog that afternoon. Only its very topmost peak was visible above the fog bank.

SF Bay Whale Watching Tours external link on board Kitty Kat   •  Off season Nature Tour Of San Francisco Bay   •  From Pier 37 out the Golden Gate   •  37° 49' 36.11" N, 122° 26' 2.83" W   •  (Photo taken 16:48:26 Sunday 25 August 2013)   •  (Photo posted Saturday 14 September 2013)   •  © 2013 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B13_7125
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