Assorted Kitchen, As A Form Of Decor

(1 of 7) (9006 views)


Sponges stacked and ready on a sink counter.

Kitchen Decor   •  Jane Strong's Home, Berkeley, California   •  (Photo posted Thursday 17 December 2009)   •  (Photo taken 12:20:38 Sunday 10 August 2008)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #House_2065BCX
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(2 of 7) (5499 views)


Fresh cut flowers lent joy to the back of a sink.

Kitchen Decor   •  Jane Strong's Home, Berkeley, California   •  (Photo posted Thursday 17 December 2009)   •  (Photo taken 12:20:48 Sunday 10 August 2008)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #House_2066BCX
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Coffee Spill
(3 of 7) (5528 views)


A bit of coffee had spilled that afternoon.

Kitchen Decor   •  Healdsburg internal link California   •  (Photo posted Thursday 17 December 2009)   •  (Photo taken 15:33:10 Saturday 21 February 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Healdsburg_0037BCX
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Paper Napkin
(4 of 7) (5552 views)


After dinner at the campsite, a napkin had been crumpled and left on the table. By sheer accident, that crumple resembled an oragami fold for a swan.

Kitchen Decor   •  Caswell Memorial State Park internal link   •  South Austin Road, Ripon, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 19 November 2010)   •  (Photo taken 19:56:02 Friday 29 May 2009)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Campground_4843BCX
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(5 of 7) (5507 views)


One area for seating near food stalls featured tablecloths. Here was a clean tablecloth just before the first eaters sat and ate there.

Kitchen Decor   •  Filmore Jazz Festival 2009   •  Flimore Street, San Francsico, California   •  (Photo posted Friday 19 November 2010)   •  (Photo taken 12:40:26 Saturday 4 July 2009)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SF_6480BCX
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Tea Steeped
(6 of 7) (5622 views)


Tea steeped silently in a cup as we waited for breakfast to arrive.

Kitchen Decor   •  San Francisco internal link California   •  (Photo posted Thursday 17 December 2009)   •  (Photo taken 09:49:16 Thursday 19 November 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #094916_0206BCX
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Ready Napkins
(7 of 7) (5497 views)


Napkins were folded (or perhaps knotted) and ready for use in a Mexican restaurant. Because we were early for dinner a large supply of napkins remained ready.

Kitchen Decor   •  A Mexican restaurant   •  Santa Cruz internal link California   •  (Photo posted Friday 19 November 2010)   •  (Photo taken 17:53:34 Wednesday 10 March 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Cruz_2413BCX
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