Holes Deconstruct
The hole the nothing of before or after
Building Holes Grave Holes Manhole Natural Holes Plant Holes Urban Holes
Building Holes

Excavation that precedes the construction of a building.Either a fresh hole or the result of deconstruction of an existing building.

Grave Holes

A hole for receipt of a deceased body. Either a freshly dug grave, or a holefound in an existing grave.

Manhole, and Manhole Covers

Holes into which humans can descend to service sewers, electricity, and rain runoff tunnels and tubes.

Natural Holes

Found holes that occurred in nature. Sometimes eroded, sometimes drilled, and sometimes caused by an accident.

Plant Holes, As Deconstructed Empty Voids

Holes in plants either left over from cutting or grown that way.

Urban Holes, As A Form Of Deconstruction

Holes that are typically found in cities and towns. Either intended, accidental, or created by natural wear.

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