Portland, Oregon Graffiti As A Mode Of U.S. Deconstruction

Something Sapho'i Something Phoa
(1 of 3) (11051 views)


A name was written using a white marker on the column supporting the pedestrian bridge over the train tracks located by the Amtrak Station. The name appeared to be something "sapho'i" and something "phoa".

Portland Oregon external link Graffiti As A Mode Of U.S. Deconstruction   •  Pedestrian Bridge to Amtrak Station external link   •  800 NW 6th Ave., Portland, Oregon external link   •  (Photo Taken 10:03:27 Monday 10 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Thursday 27 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3961
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More Writing And Chipped Paint
(2 of 3) (5909 views)


More writing, this time in purple, white and black inks. Part of the paint on this part of the support column had been chipped off. We leave as an exercise for you the task of deciphering this particular patch of graffiti.

Portland Oregon external link Graffiti As A Mode Of U.S. Deconstruction   •  Pedestrian Bridge to Amtrak Station external link   •  800 NW 6th Ave., Portland, Oregon external link   •  (Photo Taken 10:03:56 Monday 10 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Thursday 27 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3964
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Black On Silver And Gray
(3 of 3) (5922 views)


Part of this column had been painted over in the past to erase graffiti. Clearly a new layer of graffiti had been applied over time. The earlier layer read, "Bry Kays" while a later layer read "Bry Remi" —perhaps a two timing cad?

Portland Oregon external link Graffiti As A Mode Of U.S. Deconstruction   •  Pedestrian Bridge to Amtrak Station external link   •  800 NW 6th Ave., Portland, Oregon external link   •  (Photo Taken 10:04:01 Monday 10 August 2015)   •  (Story Posted Thursday 27 August 2015)   •  © 2015 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_3965
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