Peru Graffiti, As A Mode Of Deconstruction

CRE performed an edit
(1 of 5) (11534 views)


CRE performed an edit

Graffiti found in Lima, Peru   •  (Photo posted Saturday 6 June 2009)   •  (Photo taken 14:52:42 Saturday 11 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #145242_3767BCX
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The dog's face watched the family talking
(2 of 5) (6520 views)


The dog's face watched the family talking

Graffiti found in Lima, Peru   •  (Photo posted Saturday 6 June 2009)   •  (Photo taken 15:06:42 Saturday 11 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #0642_3799BCX
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The wall had fallen and taken with it his mouth
(3 of 5) (6593 views)


The wall had fallen and taken with it his mouth

Graffiti found in Lima, Peru   •  (Photo posted Saturday 6 June 2009)   •  (Photo taken 17:33:56 Saturday 11 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #173356_4017BCX
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A heart CAR BAC at a corner
(4 of 5) (6546 views)


A heart CAR BAC at a corner

Graffiti found in Lima, Peru   •  (Photo posted Saturday 6 June 2009)   •  (Photo taken 09:07:58 Sunday 12 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #095738_4072BCX
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The evil wall winked his evil wink at all that passed
(5 of 5) (6545 views)


The evil wall winked his evil wink at all that passed

Graffiti found in Lima, Peru   •  (Photo posted Saturday 6 June 2009)   •  (Photo taken 17:30:14 Sunday 12 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #173014_4256BCX
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