Channel Islands, Oil Platform, As A Form Of Car Oil Deconstruction

Approached From The East
(1 of 9) (13110 views)


The boat left Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard and motored west toward Anacapa Island in the Santa Barbara Channel. The first structure to come into view was this oil rig platform named Gina.

Gina Oil Platform external link   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 09:56:01 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #095601_8211BCX
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End Of Life
(2 of 9) (7855 views)


The Channel Island oil platforms were first installed in the 1960's. Gina here was installed later in 1980. They are beginning to near their end of life and may be deconstructed sometime in the next few years.

Gina Oil Platform   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 10:03:46 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #100346_8693TNT
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(3 of 9) (7959 views)


Oil rig platforms were huge. Note the size of the door near the top-center of this photograph. During drilling there is lodging for over 100 workers on such a rig.

Gina Oil Platform   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 10:05:25 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #100525_8696TNT
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Navigation Marker
(4 of 9) (7901 views)


Oil Rigs could be navigation markers and were so used by sailors and kayakers. One kayaker external link used them to measure the distance he traveled.

Gina Oil Platform   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 10:05:29 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #100529_8222BCX
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Oil And Gas
(5 of 9) (7976 views)


This Gina oil rig platform produced oil (over 11,243,003 bbls) and natural gas (over 6,946,871 bbls) and was currently operated by Dos Cuadras Offshore LLC external link.

Gina Oil Platform   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 11:15:43 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #111543_8454BCX
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Coast Range
(6 of 9) (7783 views)


To the east, past Gina oil rig platform, rose the Santa Ynez Mountains external link behind Santa Barbara and Ventura.

Gina Oil Platform   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 12:18:19 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #121819_8455BCX
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1980's Mistake
(7 of 9) (7712 views)


From the 1960's through the 1980's, oil independence from the middle east was sought by increased domestic drilling. We now know this was a mistake, because increased drilling and corresponding increased oil-use added to global warming.

Gina Oil Platform   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 12:20:20 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #122020_8457BCX
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Mechanical Wonder
(8 of 9) (7819 views)


Like a small city on stilts, an oil rig platform contained everything needed to sustain an ocean habitat. As a natural extension of this concept, some believed oil rigs could be converted to fish farms external link and others thought they could be converted to hotels external link.

Gina Oil Platform   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 12:21:44 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #122144_8460BCX
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Rig Beyond Rig
(9 of 9) (7789 views)


Where there was one oil rig, there were bound to be others. Here, another oil rig could be seen beyond Gina to the north.

Gina Oil Platform   •  4 Miles from Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard   •  (Photo posted Saturday 13 November 2010)   •  (photo taken 12:22:58 Friday 8 October 2010)   •  © 2010 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #122258_8463BCX
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