Hanging, Shoes As Found Apparel

Black Shoes Hung By Rainbow Wall
(1 of 3) (8075 views)


Black shoes were hung from a wire in front of a faded rainbow painted wall. These shoes were above the murals on Clarion Alley internal link.

Hanging Shoes As Found Apparel   •  Clarion Alley Between Mission and Valencia Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo taken 12:30:33 Sunday 19 January 2014)   •  (Photo posted Tuesday 15 April 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_0066
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White Shoes By Faded Wall
(2 of 3) (4537 views)


White shoes hung from phone wires in front of a faded painted wall. These shoes were above the murals on Clarion Alley internal link.

Hanging Shoes As Found Apparel   •  Clarion Alley Between Mission and Valencia Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo taken 12:30:36 Sunday 19 January 2014)   •  (Photo posted Tuesday 15 April 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_0067
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Five Shoes And Shadow Of Another Pair
(3 of 3) (4563 views)


Five shoes hung from a phone wire above Clarion Alley. The shadow of another pair was nearby.

Hanging Shoes As Found Apparel   •  Clarion Alley Between Mission and Valencia Streets   •  San Francisco, California   •  (Photo taken 12:30:55 Sunday 19 January 2014)   •  (Photo posted Tuesday 15 April 2014)   •  © 2014 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C14_0069
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