2008 Collection Of Gorilla, As A Primate Animal

The rocks where he sat, overlooked the old quarry
(1 of 8) (11108 views)


The rocks where he sat, overlooked the old quarry

Gorilla at San Francisco Zoo   •  (2008)1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, California   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #01_0574D
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She tried her best to appreciate the flowers
(2 of 8) (6994 views)


She tried her best to appreciate the flowers

Gorilla at San Francisco Zoo   •  (2008)1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, California   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #02_2857T
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Meanwhile, a thought crossed his mind
(3 of 8) (7911 views)


Meanwhile, a thought crossed his mind

Gorilla at San Francisco Zoo   •  (2008)1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, California   •  © 2008 Denver Welte Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #03_0575D
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The warmth beguiled him into a yawn
(4 of 8) (7019 views)


The warmth beguiled him into a yawn

Gorilla at San Francisco Zoo   •  (2008)1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, California   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #04_2860T
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Like all things great, it began as a twig
(5 of 8) (7014 views)


Like all things great, it began as a twig

Gorilla at San Francisco Zoo   •  (2008)1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, California   •  © 2008 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #05_2862T
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He couldn't tell, was it convex or concave?
(6 of 8) (7081 views)


He couldn't tell, was it convex or concave?

Gorilla at San Francisco Zoo   •  (2008)1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #06_3723B
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They weren't looking for trouble, and expected none
(7 of 8) (7043 views)


They weren't looking for trouble, and expected none

Gorillas at San Francisco Zoo   •  (2008)1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #07_3728B
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When he returned, the rock surface was bare
(8 of 8) (7023 views)


When he returned, the rock surface was bare

Gorilla at San Francisco Zoo   •  (2008)1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, California   •  © 2008 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #08_3729B
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