The dog is the domesticated cainine, usually a pet
Artificial Canines Dogs Generally Irish Wolfhound Named Puppy Signs Toys
Artificial Canines, As Found Animals

Our human companions, and other canines, rendered in forever frozen poses.From dogs to wolves, from foxes to coyotes, all forms of canines have been renderedas art or toys over the many years.

Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhounds are the tallest of dog breeds

Dogs Generally, As A Form Of Land Animal

The dog is a domesticated carnivore of the family Canidae. It is part of the wolf-like canids, and is the most widely abundant terrestrial carnivore.[from wikipedia]

Named, Dogs As Pets

Dogs by names given by their caregivers


The dog in youth is called a puppy

Signs, Of Dogs

Signs that regulate or indicate dogs.

Toys, For Dogs As Pets, Eugene, Oregon

Toys specifically marketed for dogs to play with come in many varieties, including dog bones, puppy toys, balls, tug toys, training aids, squeaky toys, discs and frisbees, plush toys, and sticks.[from wikipedia]

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