Fabric As Found Art
Art discovered in randomly found textiles and wearable materials.
Boas Bolted Bombs Curtains Dress Cloth Hung Fabric Leather Ribbon Rugs And Carpets Sequins Windsock
Boas, As Found Fabric Art

Feather boas and boas made from other materials.

Bolted, Fabric As Found Art

Fabric sold on bolts or in swatches or other for of raw bulk.

Bombs, As A Means Of Art Expresion

Art bombs where fabric or paint change a normal everyday item into an art expression.

Curtains, and Draperies

Window coverings made entirely of cloth.In general, curtains only cover the window, whereas drapes run from thetop of the window or higher all the way to the floor.

Dress Cloth, As Found Art

Dress clothing such as dresses, or other worn materials.

Hung Fabric, As Found Art

Patterns in fabric revealed as because the fabric was hung on display.

Leather, As A Wearable Material

Leather that can be worn or as is being prepared to be worn.

Ribbon, As Found Cloth Art

Ribbon can be woven as cloth ribbon or manufactured in bulk.

Rugs And Carpets, As Found Cloth Art

Floor covering can be made by weaving it like cloth.

Sequins, As Found Art

Sequins and materials that look like sequins.

Windsock, As Found Fabric Art

Wind socks and other items that inflate with wind other than kites.

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